JOIN US at the very 1st gymnastics seminar of Pamela Gagnon in Europe!


Le corps humain est complexe


La Santé se trouve dans le mouvement

Pour ces raisons, elle demande beaucoup d’attention. Elle doit se comprendre, se tester constamment, et surtout : être coaché.

An exclusive weekend seminar with the renowned CrossFit athlete and gymnastics expert Pamela Gagnon. This is your chance to learn from one of the best in the industry and take your gymnastics skills to the next level!

I don’t want to miss that !
  • Athletes, have you ever found yourself unable to perform a Muscle-up or HSPU?
    Do you remember that frustration you felt? 

  • Coaches, have you ever found yourself not knowing how to teach a complex gym movement? Not knowing the tips and tricks that change everything? Do you remember the frustration in the member’s eyes when they left the class? And do you remember the feeling of guilt (and perhaps shame) you felt? 

With Pamela Gagnon, those feelings of frustration or shame will disappear forever!


Who is Pamela ?


Coming directly from USA just for you, you’ve probably already heard about her before!

Pamela Gagnon is a certified CrossFit Trainer (CF-L2) and worked for Gymnastics HQ Staff. She has an impressive background in gymnastics, starting at the age of six and finishing her career as a Collegiate D1 Gymnast.

Pamela has competed in CrossFit at the regional and Games levels, making 6 Regional appearances and 3 Games appearances as a Masters Athlete. Her accomplishments include winning the individual event at the CrossFit Games Masters in 2015 and 2017.

During this intensive weekend seminar, Pamela will share her wealth of knowledge and experience to help you improve your gymnastics skills and achieve your individual goals.

What’s the seminar’s schedule?

  • Master the Basics: Pamela will guide you through the fundamental techniques of the hollow and arch positions, ensuring a strong foundation for all gymnastics movements.
  • Toes to Bar: Learn the tips and techniques for efficient and effective toes to bar, a popular movement in CrossFit workouts.
  • Bar Muscle-Up: Whether you’re a beginner or advanced athlete, Pamela will break down the progressions and provide drills to help you achieve the elusive bar muscle-up.
  • Handstand Walk: Improve your balance and control with handstand walking techniques, from basic progressions to advanced variations.
  • HSPU: Gain confidence and strength in your handstand push-ups with Pamela’s expert coaching and drills.
  • Workout Strategies: Pamela will go through popular workouts like Diane and Fran, providing strategies for coaching athletes of all levels to perform at their best.
  • Coaching Techniques: Learn how to teach kip mechanics on the rig and handstands for beginners, and gain valuable insights on how to effectively coach gymnastics movements.
  • Q&A Sessions: Take advantage of the opportunity to ask Pamela any questions you may have and receive personalized feedback and guidance.

Not only will you learn from Pamela’s extensive knowledge and experience, but you’ll also become part of a like-minded community of athletes who share the same passion for gymnastics and CrossFit.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to train with one of the best in the industry!


I’m in (of course) !

Places are limited, focus is on quality!
The seminar would be in English and translated in French.

Sign up today and take the first step towards achieving your goals!

Come meet Pamela in person!

I want to participate!
Open chat
Bonjour à vous,

Merci d’avoir pris contact avec nous, c’est une belle première étape vers votre changement !

Nous sommes très réactifs et prendrons soin de vous répondre rapidement.

En attendant, n\'hésitez pas à regarder nos témoignages via et nos différentes vidéos via

À très vite! 😊